Motorbike rental in Vietnam – Guidelines to renting

Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest demand for motorbikes in the world, according to a survey by WorldAtlas. When visiting Vietnam, tourists can explore, travel, or experience the country in various ways, such as walking on sidewalks, using public transportation, or travel by a third party. Motorbike rental has also become a familiar choice for everyone in Vietnam.

Today, we will discuss issues related to motorbike rental in Vietnam. Both the rental service providers and the renters have their own concerns, and we need to clarify these issues. Firstly, let’s discuss the advantages of renting a motorbike.

The advantages of renting a motorbike

“Renting a motorbike is a convenient option for fulfilling temporary transportation needs. It is particularly useful for short-term business trips, vacations, or when one’s personal motorbike is being serviced.

Secondly, renting a motorbike provides an opportunity to try out different models before making a purchasing decision. This helps you choose a bike that suits your needs and personal preferences. In cases where you don’t have a means of transportation, or dealing with the complex procedures of buying a one, especially if you are a traveler, renting a motorbike is a temporary alternative. There are also other benefits that you can explore on your own.

Motorbike rental in Vietnam
Source: Internet

Criteria when renting a motorbike

1. Reputable rental facility

The process of finding for a reputable establishment to select a quality Motorbike is one of the essential criteria. Why? In Vietnam, there are numerous business establishments, but not all of them are reliable. Many do not meet legal requirements in Vietnam, such as lacking a driver’s license or failing to ensure health standards, yet they still offer motorbike rentals. When unexpected issues arise, one may question whether the establishment takes responsibility. This is something you should be highly concerned about and pay attention to.

2. Choosing the rental price for a motorbike.

What is the cost of renting a motorbike in Vietnam?

The rental rates may vary among different businesses, with prices typically ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 VND (2 to 5 USD) per hour, 100,000 to 400,000 VND (4 to 16 USD) per day, and 1,200,000 to 3,500,000 VND (49.5 to 145 USD) per month.

Generally, long-term rentals tend to have lower prices compared to daily or hourly rentals. It is important to carefully consider your usage needs in order to choose a reasonable rental rate and avoid potential cost risks and financial losses. Keep in mind that the rental price will depend on various factors, such as the model, quality of the vehicle, and level of service. Therefore, the price may vary and could be either higher or lower. Additionally, most rental businesses will require a deposit, which is typically a percentage of the bike’s value. If you are unable to provide a cash deposit, you may need to provide collateral in the form of certain documents.

3. Pay attention to important documents when renting.

When renting a motorbike in Vietnam or anywhere, it’s important to pay attention to various documents such as contracts, personal identification papers, and driver’s licenses. Many rental businesses will undoubtedly require these documents from you. Be mindful of this. More importantly, all activities and regulations will be detailed in the contract document. You can read it before making a decision and signing the paper. It will be beneficial for both parties.

If you don’t have a Vietnamese driver’s license and plan to stay long-term, refer to this blog post :

or book our driver’s license service for a hassle-free experience:

4. Refer to the reviews of the business on Google (if available)

Referencing reviews helps renters have a more visual perspective, making it easier for them to make hiring decisions.Some businesses, if they have many high reviews, will make you more comfortable. If a business has low ratings, you will have to reconsider, kind of like that. So, before renting a motorbike in Vietnam, consider this for a better experience.

Hope this article will be useful for you, wish you a good day!

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